Q1. If you had a million dollars, what would you buy for your mother? Why?
had = imaginative or creative meaning. You are using past tense to imagine something that is possible but might not happen. IT IS POSSIBLE, though.

Q2. What are you like at school? Are you the same at happen?
to be like = asks you to compare yourself to something or talk about your character. So you could say: I’m like a cat… I am a little shy and I don’t like lots of people.
Or you can say, simply: I’m a shy girl. I have good friends, but when I’m with strangers I don’t talk so much.

Q3. Have you ever eaten strange food? What was it?
Present perfect talks about your experience. So you have to say “I’ve eaten some very strange food in Tamsui. Some people called it 1000 year old eggs. They tasted like they were made hundreds of years ago. I didn’t enjoy them!
